WTF? Centipede (2 Viewers)

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Oct 31, 2003
Fischer, TX
Check out this centipede. Anybody seen one like it around here before? I sure haven't...

Full images here:
Yep. I've seen several just like it. It has been a long time though and it was at my parents' house which is in the South Valley about 1 mile west of the river and 3 miles north of the Isleta Pueblo. They are extremely difficult to kill and I've heard their sting feels like fire.
Yep. Common. Oh geez. Nylia story time. :princess:

Right after we moved to NM Nylia called me at work. She said she was putting on her sweat pants and felt something crawling up her leg. It also bit her. She pulled them off real fast and tossed them into the tub, and saw the beast crawling around. She wanted to know if they were poisonous. She did know what it was.

After I stopped laughing hysterically I told her no, they are not poisonous, but they will leave a mark. I don't think she thought it was as funny as I did. She should have known the answer, too.

BTW, that's a little one.:grinpimp:
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These things are all over our place and keeps Isabelle entertained!
Actually, as Marc said they are poisonous but the effect on the individual varies widely. - shorten that long URL into a Tiny URL

I moved him (her?) to a larger container and he's happily chewing down on some hamburger right now. He's growing on me. Figuratively...

Cruiser content:
Maybe I could sell him to buy some parts.
I had one in the yard this past summer, about 5 or so inches long. Just watched him for a bit and he worked his way to the brick wall and through a hole in the brick and was gone.
If you feed bugs hamburger, what do you feed guests??
I could have watched this one for a bit too if it was out in the yard. However, it was in the living room and Wendy was on a chair screaming so that was not really an option...
If you feed bugs hamburger, what do you feed guests??

Still waiting on the answer to this... :idea:

burger for 8leggeds, steak for 4 leggeds? lobster for 2leggeds maybe??? ;)

if true, we'll be on our way over pronto :steer:
it was in the living room and Wendy was on a chair screaming so that was not really an option...

Ah yes. That brings back fond memories of my stepmother doing the same thing about 20 years ago as one crawled across the carpet toward the couch she was sitting on.
Corrales is full of them. We would see a dozen or more each year in the house. Unfortunately several times they were in bed with with us (litterally, not figuratively). I have been bit 3 times, with the worst reaction being that my entire forearm swelled up for about a week and I had a slight fever for several hours and possibly some mild delerium. I hate those things.
with the worst reaction being that my entire forearm swelled up for about a week and I had a slight fever for several hours and possibly some mild delerium.

So, aside from the swelling and fever it was pretty awesome then? :D

We've got a few of them running around up in the mountains. The cats don't even mess with them. I can't say I'm much of a fan of the guys myself. I'm sure they scared the living daylights out of me a a kid, if only there were ant lions big enough to deal with them, then we'd have a use for them!

Ant lions are cool. I wish I had some in my yard for me to teach my kids how to feed them ants. Maybe I'll go collect a few by the river and throw them in the sandbox.
Antlion's are cute.

I believe those were known as doodlebugs, correct?
I believe those were known as doodlebugs, correct?

That's another common name in the US (according to the Wikipedia article I read). I learned a lot more than that about them as well, like how the larval form creates the cones in the ground and the adult form is a type of lacewing flying insect, similar to a damselfly. But they can bite.
Antlion adults are commonly attracted to black light traps. That is where I learned what they were. In fact, I also seem to recall velvet ant males are attracted to black light. The female velvet ants are something you DO NOT want to get stung by.
My parents house in the foothills has them all the time.

When I was in high school we had just moved in. Smoke alarm goes off upstairs we all wake up and my dad is running around in his underwear looking for smoke or flames. None to be found. Takes smoke alarm down and pulls hot lines and battery and puts it on the kitchen table. Wakes up in the morning hoping to find a short in the alarm by taking it apart but instead finds a huge centipede wraped up inside of it...still alive. Removes it with forceps and smashes it.

Same thing happened over and over through the years. Now when the alarm goes off my parents look around, if no problem, he takes the alarm down and puts it in a ziplock bag. Deals with the "problem" in the morning. Finds a 5-7" centipede everytime.

I'm sure they scared the living daylights out of me a a kid,


Try having a job where you have to put hands in an underground box each day, and finding those suckers running around (usually the small ones I find), not to mention the black widows I constantly find. Luckly I haven't been bit yet. It still freaks me out when one of them suprises me.

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