GPS/common sense fail (1 Viewer)

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Nov 12, 2006
I was coming down the backroad to Plactias, NM on a motorcycle, from the Sandia Crest road, a while back. I met a couple that was driving up that road driving a truck pulling a 30+ ft trailer. They thought they were going toward Durango, CO, but made the wrong turn at I-25 and Hwy 550. They were having a very hard time by the time I met them. They asked me for directions, and still thought they were going the right way. I told them they were way off coarse. They were up above La Huertas picnic area, so they really had no place to turn around until the Crest road. As far as I know they made to the pavement. Don't know if they were following GPS or not. Not as bad as your truck guy, though.
I used to live in Tucson. Many moons ago, I was mtbing, riding the Chiva Falls loop in Reddington Pass. I see a semi on Reddington Pass road with two taco-ed rims. I found out later on, the driver was looking for a shortcut from San Manuel to the Tanque Verde area of Tucson. One of the San Manuel locals told him about the pass. The driver fessed up, admitting that the local told him it wasn't suitable for a semi but he felt it was worth the risk. The semi was stuck in the pass for 2 days.
Chiva Falls and Charleau Gap are where I learned to 4 wheel...can't imagine a semi going through there.
Chiva Falls and Charleau Gap are where I learned to 4 wheel...can't imagine a semi going through there.

Too many coincidences! That's where I learned too. In my 1994 XJ. I was living in Tucson from 1997-2007. Lots of mtb and offroad trips in Reddington Pass.

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