Tomorrow's Election (1 Viewer)

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Oct 31, 2003
Fischer, TX
From Fred Huff of Las Cruces:

2008 Chile Challenge Participants:

Please remember to vote in the New Mexico primary tomorrow.

I am sending this out to all 2008 Chile Challenge participants to let you know that your vote in tomorrow’s primary could well affect rather or not the Chile Challenge continues.

It is imperative that Steve Pearce gets the Republican nomination for the general election. Here is why I feel so strongly concerning Congressman Pearce:

1. Steve Pearce has consistently stood firm in opposing legislation that would take away our rights to use Federal land. Heather Wilson, on the other hand, was the driving force in creating the only new wilderness in New Mexico in the last twenty years.

2. Wilson also voted recently to create the National Landscape Conservation System, which will be used as another weapon in closing access to federal land that the wilderness act can’t close. Steve Pearce tried to get an amendment added that would protect ranching, but it was voted down. He voted against the bill.

3. In looking at Wilson’s record of land use votes, she has voted EVERY time with the Democratic candidate for the Senate, Tom Udall. I see virtually no difference between Wilson and Udall when it comes to land use issues.

4. One of the main reasons the public lands in Doña Ana County are under such a threat to wilderness and national monument closure, is because Senator Domenici stayed too long in the Senate and has abandoned his electorate. He has come to espouse the liberal way of thinking of closing our public lands to the public. He has traded his integrity for doing what is correct, for doing what he has to do to get his personal agenda items passed. This has led him to support the trackways national monument bill in exchange for a bill Domenici wanted for the Carlsbad area that Senator Bingaman would have opposed.

5. Senator Domenici is now, at the last minute, supporting Heather Wilson for his replacement. Besides being outright mean, she is just as liberal and willing to sell out whatever or whoever is necessary to get her bills passed, just as Senator Domenici has done.

6. Steve Pearce will not sell us out just to get another, favorite, bill passed. He has and will stand firm on protecting our access to public lands.

7. If Heather Wilson gets the GOP nomination, you most likely have attended the last Chile Challenge.

Yes, we have to get Steve Pearce elected in the general election, but we must cross this bridge first.

Please vote for Steve Pearce tomorrow so he can help us continue to use public lands. Also, please forward this to your contacts, so they will know what is stake for all of our public lands. Every vote will make a difference.

Thank you,

Fred Huff

1807 Brown Rd.

Las Cruces, NM 88005

(575) 524-7145

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