Recent content by Kajun

  1. Kajun

    2024 GX/Prado Release and Discussion

    We’ll said @OGBeno Additionally, most of the automotive world is looking at pivotal change. Not transformative. Pivotal. Every company has its vision target timeline. What is coming in the next one to two generations from most companies will be interesting to say the least.
  2. Kajun

    2024 GX wait list

    Which on Which one is which? I see closed terrarium, passing stuff up to a roof top tent and less weight / fewer moving parts to f with in 25 years. I’m also a bonehead regardless, cause imma gonna get me one of these in a few years. Likely won’t have all three as options on the Overtrail...
  3. Kajun

    2024 GX wait list

    Thanks Dan. I knew you'd be on it.
  4. Kajun

    2024 GX wait list

    I’m as intrigued and exited as everyone else. When do the mods add a GX 550 / Prado 180 tab?
  5. Kajun

    Possible introduction of LC Prado to Canada and US as reintroduction of Toyota LC?

    The 4.6 V8 is gone... Please, please let it be the LC Prado with the turbo 6...
  6. Kajun

    Idiot Youtubber Ironman 4x4 Lift Review Video

    I will never unhear, "A strut is what happens when a daddy shock and a mommy spring love each other very much". And my world is now better because of it.
  7. Kajun

    GX460 / Prado150 pic thread

    Short trip to the local state campground for Father’s Day. Bone stock 2022. Wife’s daily but I have some plans.
  8. Kajun

    For Sale (5) LX570 OEM wheels w/lugs and TPS

    @LXGus GLWS, but I want to see a pic of that LX with the solid black steels!
  9. Kajun

    New Rims TPMS info

    Is that possible? Cloning the sensors. I am going to get a second set of wheels/tires and was planning on doing it when the OE tires needed to be changed. Just grab the sensors from the old wheels and throw them in the new ones. BUT if the current IDs can be cloned, I could build up the...
  10. Kajun

    3rd Row Seats Power Tap without cutting or splicing OE harness

    I just found this thread. @THEOZMAN thank you for the product. I am out of town for a few weeks starting tomorrow, but I will be ordering in a few weeks when I get back. And thanks to everyone else for the awesome ideas. I was dreading figuring out how to power a fridge in the back for a...
  11. Kajun

    Aftermarket mudflaps?

    Ditto. Don't have them as the GX is the wifes, but the next one is mine and I'll get these. JAOS USA - JAOS_USA/Products Catalog>JAOS mud guard III - JAOS Dealer - JAOS MUD GUARD III REAR SET BLACK FOR TOYOTA LAND CRUISER...
  12. Kajun

    Water in the Way Back

    @sheptastic I don’t know about the GX or other Toyota/Lexus vehicles but the shark fins on BMWs are adheared to the roof with Sikaflex. It’s like the RV type tacky black roof sealer stuff (see photo) This may or may not answer your question about best way to seal a shark fin or delete kit but...
  13. Kajun

    Ultimate Trail Tool Kit (carry on for off road)

    Don’t go out and warm up the torches and sharpen the pitch forks just yet. Hear me out. I carry a few Rover part no ANR5449 in our camper toolbox. I have dedicated chocks for the camper but the tool box is portable and these are always in the bottom of the box. They fold flat and ensure I’m...
  14. Kajun

    Front Bumper WITH Receiver Mount for Winch or?

    My thoughts as well. I‘d be in that minority category if I thought that might be my situation or intended use. Right now I’d like to have a simple light bar mounted up front without having to spend the $ or add all the weight of a full off-road bumper. Think of a simple N-Fab type bar to...
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