****SFLC Meet and Greet- 1 Feb 2014 (LexTech Move Day!!****) (1 Viewer)

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RSnCharleston, FJMoses, and Excessive unloading a trailer.....thanks for help guys.


Lobby area...spacious waiting area with coffee and sink.


5 lifts and one regular drive in bay....great shop!



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Thanks to everyone that showed up to help and welcome Glenn to his new business....
When I got there a little late at the old shop, Excessive and RSnCharleston were already there. Things were a flurry of activity. Soon I was helping and then FJMoses showed up and we loaded big truck..small trailers and then headed to new shop to unload.

Helped unload big truck...helped place the vehicle lifts....carry furniture upstairs and just provide a strong back where needed.

BBQBoy showed up but was sick (great timing..haha) and then also later Lowcountry Cruiser and CharlestonG8r

We had a nice lunch with some tea...and held a short club meeting to discuss next year amongst all the other discussions about cruisers, hunting, paddleboarding, owning your own business, and questionable activities by BBQBoy that caused his raw and sore throat. :)

Here are rundown of minutes and proposed calendar for upcoming year...dates to be determined so if there are any dates not mentioned you absolutely cannot be there....speak up and will try to account for it if possible.

Calendar 2014
February 1- Meet and Greet and help Lextech Move
April TBD- ONSC Spring Tide Run or possibly a Uwharrie Run after it opens before weather warms up
June TBD- Bi-Monthly Meet and Greet (going to bi monthly as many cant come every month....)
July TBD- Uwahrrie or Gulches Run...only if members really want to go and someone wants to head the effort.
Sep TBD- ONSC Logans Run at Uwharrie (will get dates from ONSC)
Nov TBD- BiMonthly Meet and Greet and cookout at my house, likely week BEFORE Thanksgiving depending on Clemson/Citadel games
Dec TBD- Wintery Mix coordianted with our brothers at ONSC and their run at same time if possible....at Uwharrie...should be first weekend in December.
Jan 2015- Oyster Roast at LexTech

Dates have not been nailed down but we talked about general items....

--2 and maybe 3 runs to UWharrie and maybe one to Gulches during summer
-- going to bi-monthly meetings in attempt to get more people showing up
-- question about hats or more fleece Swamp Fox jackets...be aware cost may be in the $25-30 range for fleece due to low quantities...and $15+ for hats but can check on it if enough interested...will do separate threads.
-- If someone wants to do the Uwharrie run in April and then either Uwharrie/Gulches in Summer...need someone to step up and take lead. only requirement is if you say you are leading it then you be able to follow it through to completion so nobody is left hanging. Lots of people mention wanting to check it out for a day trip since it is closer...just need some volunteers to help coordinate some of these runs and efforts....volunteers welcome. :)
-- any other side efforts...shooting, hunting, fishing, etc....we can work those up anytime or make in conjunction with a monthly meeting if everyone agrees....

Separate threads will be created for these as they are finalized but this gives you something to think about....

Thanks again for those that came....lots of new faces along with a couple old timers (over a year..haha)....

Glenn asked me to thank you very much...it was really appreciated.
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I would really like to do a Gulches trip in the Spring Someitme, its much easier of a day trip than Uwarrie. I will help coordinate it@!
From what you said, Spring Tide Ride sounds like a real blast! The tentative calendar looks good. How does Gulches compare with Uwharrie? Similar terrain? I'm definitely down for a weekend day trip! It was good meeting everyone - I hope FJMoses hangs on to his BJ for a group ride.
From what you said, Spring Tide Ride sounds like a real blast! The tentative calendar looks good. How does Gulches compare with Uwharrie? Similar terrain? I'm definitely down for a weekend day trip!

Gulches is much smaller in scale with much tighter (closer together) trails but many still enjoy it. Worth a trip to check it out and decide for yourself.

It was good meeting everyone - I hope FJMoses hangs on to his BJ for a group ride.

now nobody mentioned BJs while I was there.... :)
BJ's?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess Brock is excited. He actually may be on the receiving end this time.
Someone has to entertain your women and make them happy.
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