First Quebec Cruisers (2 Viewers)

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Jun 13, 2008
Montreal, Canada
Welcome all cruiserheads in Quebec, lets start organizing some events and enjoy our cruisers together...all are welcome


Now that could be a lot of fun. where do you guys normall go to wheel?
Hi djsherif!

Never heard about you before? i'm from the south shore of Montreal.

Hi Eric,

Never heard about you either ;) but nice to meet you of course :)

I'm on the island, near downtown.

Long time lurker and finally got my truck this fall, I noticed there was no club for Quebec cruisers other than quebec4x4 but that's not cruiser specific so I started this one.

Hi Eric,

Never heard about you either ;) but nice to meet you of course :)

I'm on the island, near downtown.

Long time lurker and finally got my truck this fall, I noticed there was no club for Quebec cruisers other than quebec4x4 but that's not cruiser specific so I started this one.


You should post on quebec4x4, there are a few there with cruisers, but the diehard are here and should notice your post pretty soon!
Salut les gars. Est-ce qu'on va se mettre a écrire en français sur un forum d'anglo ?

Well, we sometime make some meeting (once a year) at Boucherville with some Cruiserhead. Is I'm already see a post with pics on quebec4x4 with your truck and some Jeep ?

Sure, I will be happy to post some thread here.

djsherif, your are a TLCA member ? So you probably see me and eleblanc in some Toyota Trail issue.

Jan/Feb 2009 page 32
July/Aug 2009 pages 27-28
Jan/Feb 2010 page 15

Tu devrais venir avec nous au Fall Gathering 2010. Un BJ42, un BJ70 et un HDJ81... tous diesel.... ils vont en baver ces américains là !

Pourquoi pas en francais ;). Je viens juste d'abboner au TLCA alors je n'ai pas vu vos photos encore :)

c'est ou le fall gathering?

Pourquoi pas en francais ;). Je viens juste d'abboner au TLCA alors je n'ai pas vu vos photos encore :)

c'est ou le fall gathering?


Hancock NH - +/- 500km de MTL
That sounds good. I just checked out some of Louis videos on youtube, very nice!!! His pickup is very nice. Do you have any videos of yours Eric? I wanted a BJ42 before I decided to get the 81 but I didn't want to keep 2 cars so I sold my car and bought the 81. So far, I love it.

I'm not sure I'm ready yet for your level of wheeling hehe ;) I need to get some lockers and sliders on my truck first as well as correct some minor suspension issues and get some nice M/T tires.
Tres belle camion Eric, I would love a BJ42 for my second truck. Sont quoi t'es pneus?

Je cherche un bon M/T en 35" pour l'ete. Je n'aime pas vraiment les BFG A/T que J'ai presentement et Je doit decider entre les BFG M/T, Toyo M/T, Yoko M/T et Trxus M/T. Quesque tu pense?

As-tu des bon contactes pour des pneus.

I like my BF mud km2, check with costco usually they have great price on BF.

I'm here in Quebec, but just outside of Ottawa. I've been wanting go wheeling with some other Cruiserheads, but didn't get a chance yet with the guys from Ottawa. Just bumped into another 80 series a few days ago not far from my place.

Hi guys

I live in Duhamel at the border of the Ottawa Valley and High Laurentian.
I am just retiring after 35 years as a firefighter.
I'm not really a member of any club but I do not hate to join in some games with you.

I have a Land Cruiser "The Beast" a HZJ81V / 1990, 1HZ engine, 4.2 diesel,
5 speed manual, free wheel hub, front and rear diff lock factory.

Projects for the Beast :

1 - Replace the suspension and lift it up from 2 to 3 inches.
2 - A.R.B. front and rear bar
3 - I also though a roof tent A.R.B. but we shall see in the future.

Et oui je suis français.
5 speed manual, free wheel hub, front and rear diff lock factory.

Ah ? je ne savais pas que la série 80 pouvait avoir des free wheel hub. Donc, tu as un t-case 2H, 4H et 4L ?
Et oui... c'est plutôt rare dans la série 80, mai c'est ce que je voulais et je l'ais trouvé après beaucoup de recherches sur les nombreux sites d'encans du Japon.
C'est presque le temps de comencer quelque meeting non?

J'ai encore du travail a faire, juste le budget qui me bloque

Il me reste:

- locker ARB avant et arriere (en solde jusqu a la fin d'avril)
- Pneus 35" (probablement des Yoko M/T+)
- gear 4.88 avant et arriere (nitro, sierra..pas sure)
- snorkel (OEM, deja acheter)
- diff breather extension (a faire)
- tint windows (a faire)
- sliders, front bumper (a faire
- rack (a faire)
- paint (line-x?)

mon dieu, ca va me prendre 30 ans comme la stade olympique pour payer tout ca Je pense :flipoff2:
Salut les gars, hi everybody,
Je suis nouveau sur le forum et dans le monde des Land Cruiser.

Je cherche un bon Land Cruiser BJ60 ou HJ60, automatique de préférence.
C'est pour un long voyage à travers l'Amérique de un an alors j'ai besoin d'un LC fiable qui passera pas mal partout, pour l'Amérique central et du sud surtout.

Si vous entendez parler d'un bon Land cruiser, faite moi signe.
Je n'ai jamais fait de off road alors si j'arrive à trouver un bon LC et que ça addone avant mon départ, ça me ferais plaisir d'aller en off road avec vous, vos conseil me serait pas mal précieux :)

Passer une belle journée,



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